

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sea Vegetables have the ability to impart beauty and health and to prolong life.

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Seaweeds in general contain dozens and dozens of minerals and trace elements integrated into living plant tissue. They contain vitamins and are a good source of iodine, calcium and iron. Sea vegetables protect against radiation and environmental pollutants.

Seaweed is nature’s herbal medicine.
A 3000 year old Chinese book of poetry, describes a woman who cooks sea plants. Sea weed or sea plants have been consumed for centuries. In the book “ Vegetables from the Sea” by Seibin and Teruko Arasaki observe “ All the minerals required by human beings , including calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron and zinc are present in sufficient amounts, Edible plants from the sea also contain important vitamins including Vitamin A,B1, B2, B6, niacin, Vitamin C, and folic acid.”
Sea vegetables classified as brown algae, including arame, hijiki, Kombu, and wakame have been shown to cleanse the body of toxic pollutants.
Seaweed eaters seem to enjoy lower risk of cancer. I give a few details on the various type of seaweed.


A Japanese sea vegetable with a mild taste. Arame is dried and added to soup or served sautéed as a vegetable.


This contains the most calcium of any of the sea vegetables, and is a rich source of iron and vitamin A. Hijiki is bought in dried form and when cooked it expands to five times the size.


The kelp family includes Kombu, wakame, and arame. It is a rich source of iodine, a component of the two main thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Kelp can contain between 100 and 500 times the iodine in shellfish, and has four times the iron in beef.


Kombu can be used for soup stock or added to a pot of beans. It helps the bean cook faster, and makes them more digestible.


Nori is best known to Sushi lovers. This seaweed wraps around hand rolls. It contains protein, calcium, iron, potassium and more vitamin A than carrots.


This is a good source of protein, iron, calcium, sodium, and other minerals and vitamins. After hijiki, wakame is the seaweed highest in calcium, containing more than ten times the calcium in milk. Like kelp it has four times the iron in beef.
Seaweed is good for health and nature’s valuable herbal medicine.

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